Wednesday we looked at the justification and redemption that comes through Jesus. We learned that these were free gifts of grace which God sent through His son. Those who believe in the work of Christ and place their God given gift of faith in Him receive these marvelous grace gifts!
Today we are going to look at Romans 3:25-30. From these verses we will learn what propitiation is! Big word, I know, but one we need to know and understand. I am a believer in understanding the meaning of words! I have learned so much about God’s amazing grace by digging in and learning the meaning of a word following that word through scripture and seeing how it applies to the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s grace is truly amazing! I pray you see and understand more of it through the study of this section of Romans!
Romans 3:24-25: “Being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed:”
The text says God displayed Christ publicly as a propitiation ย in His blood. Let’s look at the meaning of propitiation and see how it applies to the gospel message.
The Justice of God is Satisfied:
Propitiation means: Mercy seat, gaining the favor of God through Jesus Christ. The action of appeasing, satisfying, or to gratify. Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ God’s wrath was satisfied. The just wrath of God which once rested on us, the ones who by faith believe, has been satisfied. God poured out His wrath on His only Son which removed it from us, the believer! The wrath of God still rests on those who have not believed in Christ Jesus. Today He restrains His wrath but there will be a day that He will pour it out on all who do not believe!
God took Care of Everything!
When we go back to Romans 1:18 we learn that the wrath of God has been revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Romans 2 and 3 put all men under the law and guilty before God. God has already justly declared all men guilty before Him. How can He be just in pardoning sin if He has already declared us unrighteous and guilty?
In John 1:29 we read, ” The next day he(John the Baptist) saw Jesus coming to him and said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!”
Jesus is the perfect sacrifice to take away the sins of the world! Remember in Hebrews 9:22 God said, “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.”
God has provided the perfect sacrifice that:
- Satisfies His Just wrath.
- Takes away the sins of the world
Through the shed blood of Christ God provides:
- Salvation
- redemption
- Justification
- sanctification
- Glorification
- Adoption as sons
- A Helper the holy Spirit!
Romans 3:26: ” For the demonstration I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”
God is just in forgiving sin. He is the justifier of the ones who believe in Jesus. Think about this as we close this section of our study in Romans. We were
- Enemies of God,
- Haters of God.
- No fear of God before our eyes.
Not only is God a just and righteous God, He is also a loving and gracious God! He and He alone has provided everything needed for salvation! He has sent His grace and mercy through His son Jesus Christ. He opens the hearts and minds of men to see, hear and believe, through the regenerating work of the Holy spirit. He instills faith in us to believe and keep believing. Amazing Grace, I believe so!
Where Then is Boasting?
Romans 3:27-28:” Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by faith.” for we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law.”
When we see that God is the One who provides everything concerning our salvation all boasting is removed! If we boast we must boast in Christ Jesus, who has taken away the wrath of God!
So thankful that His work was completely on the cross and we can rest in that truth!
I am so thankful also Caroline!!! Learning to rest in that truth daily! Have a great day:)
Yes! We only get to boast in Jesus.
He alone is worthy of praise. He alone is all we can boast in! Thanks for stopping by Melanie!
I am so thankful for HIS WORK that allows me to trust fully in him and his rest.
Amen, Brianna!!
Another good lesson, Lisa.It is wonderful our God is so kind and generous to us. Look at all of the things that He did for us–for some so unworthy.
Yes, look at what He did. We are all unworthy of His grace and Mercy! Thank you Mary for your sweet words! God Bless:)
Great lesson, Lisa! How great and wonderful is our God! His loving sacrifice for us was the ultimate gift of love.
Thank you Brandi!! God’s love is wonderful and amazing!!!
Amen for this reminder and for the reminder that it’s God’s grace that saved me. Sharing it on Twitter! ๐
Your welcome for the reminder Nance! i think we all need reminded often of His amazing Grace! Thanks for sharing this post! God Bless:)
also liked your FB page today. ๐
Feel free to visit and like my FB fan page too here:
Thanks for visiting my blog too. ๐
Thank you so much for liking my page! Headed over to your place now!Your welcome:)
Yes, I will wait for you there. ๐
๐ That was good!!! I did like your page Nance!
Such a wonderful, awesome truth, that God took care of EVERYTHING! If He took care of everything for eternity future, then I guess He can take care of everything I need in the here and now, too. ๐
Amen, Nicole! He is very capable of taking care of the here and now! If we would just rest in that!
This is a great study. It seems like a good idea to get to know who Jesus is before we celebrate His arrival at Christmas!
knowing who He is and what He has done makes Christmas more amazing! Thanks Tara for your sweet encouraging words:)
It’s amazing that we can do NOTHING! It’s all about the work of Christ! <3
It is amazing Susanna! Our flesh wants to think it has to do something! We just need to rest in the work of Christ!
Thanks for the wonderful reminder of God’s grace! God bless!
You are so welcome!!! We all need to be reminded of God’s amazing Grace! It is what gets me through my days! Thanks for your sweet words go encouragement:) God Bless