We just finished working through Romans chapter two where Paul spent much time teaching that by your works you will not be saved. Paul will go into more detail on this topic as we enter chapter 4 of Romans. He sums up chapter two by teaching that the true Jew, The true Christian, is one who has been circumcised in his heart. True circumcision or conversion is not an outward work of the flesh. It is a work done inwardly by the holy Spirit not by man.
Before Paul goes into chapter 3 he ends chapter 2 with these words:
His praise is not from men but from God!
The true Jew, the true Believer, is one who does not rely on the externals of religion: Circumcision, Baptism, Church denomination… He relies on the work of Christ and not his own works for His salvation. He understands that he cannot of himself do anything that will make himself acceptable to God.
The one who relies on God through Christ for his salvation will receive praise from God! As I read and write this my heart overflows with Joy and humility.. The God who created the heavens and the earth, the God who is Sovereign over all things gives praise to His children! Just, utterly amazing.
His praise is from man and not from God!
The opposite of this is also true. The unbeliever relies on the externals of religion: Circumcision, Baptism, Heritage… he relies on his own works and not the work of Christ Jesus for his salvation. He does not understand that his works will not make him acceptable to God.
His praise comes from man. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. The praise which comes from man will last but a moment but praise from God will last for eternity. As I write these words my heart is heavy. It is not full of Joy or humility. To think that mans approval is more important than God’s approval is scary to me. I do not say this lightly because if we are all honest, deep down inside of us is the desire to be approved by men. I have often wanted to write a blog post that would get me praise from man. I have often said or did something that I thought would get me approval from men. God reminds me of these words from Matthew 6:2 &5
“So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.”
“When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.”
Let us heed the words of Christ! These men received their reward in full. They wanted praise from man and praise from man is what they got. But they did not receive praise from God!
Paul admits in Galatians that before his conversion on the road to Damascus that he was a man pleaser. Read what he says in Galatians 1:10:
“For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, i would not be a bond-servant of Christ.”
Are you still trying to please men? Do you believe that your works will make you acceptable to God?
I pray that we understand that it is not our works that save but the work Christ that saves! Our works are only praise to God for what He has done through His Son Jesus Christ!
Yes…so good. Just today I had to make a choice…was I going to avoid something to please man? I realize I can’t please anyone…but I can live to please one. 🙂
Yes, Brianna, we live to please One! There is always a temptation to want to please man rather than God. Praise God for the prompting of His Holy Spirt! Thanks for stopping by today!
So much truth here. I must admit there have been times when I have slipped into the trap of trying to please man. Such an empty pursuit.
Very well put! Following man is an empty pursuit. I have fallen into that trap as well Mary, too many times! thanks for stopping by today!
It’s scary how easy it is to lose focus and start looking at pleasing man instead of God. Colossians 3:23 is a great reminder.
It is scary Melanie! Praise God for His reminders! Thank you for stopping by today:) Have a great day!
Hello Lisa,
I love how you said our works are only praise to God. I’m always working on checking myself and realizing I’m trying to gain the approval of man when all I need to do is follow and live for God. Thank you for linking up with #100HappyDays!
I have to check myself also Valerie, it is so easy to slip from working to praise God and wanting to please man!Thank you for doing the 100 day linkup! I am excited to be apart! God Bless, have a wonderful weekend:)
It is so easy to get caught up in trying to please man, but thanks for the reminder that God is the only one we should be worrying about.
You are welcome!!!! I need reminding often and God is so gracious to keep reminding us in His word! He is the One Who deserves to be pleased above all! Thanks for stopping by today! Have a wonderful weekend!
This can get tricky sometimes, can’t it. Our motives might be to please God but we attack daily feats to please man. For instance, my husband and I are going to the states for a couple of weeks next month for a conference and for raising up our financial support team (we’re missionaries). It can get sticky sometimes figuring out how to convey our message about what God’s doing through our missions work and why we need financial support in a way that glorifies God without trying to prove anything about what “we” have accomplished or seem like greedy people.
It sure can be tricky! I do not even think we know our own motives sometimes! I can see your dilemma!! It is wonderful that you are in missions! Praying God’s Blessings on you:)
as long as we’re pleasing God…. 😀
Amen! He alone is worthy of our praise!!
Ah, this is a good reminder. It’s so easy to get caught in caring more about what other people think of us. Thank you for this post.
It is easy Helen to get caught in caring more about what others think of us! You are welcome, thanks for stopping by and sharing today:)
Amen! Colossians 3:23 has been my life verse since I was a teenager esp. when it was difficult to stand for Jesus. I need to do it for God’s glory, nothing else.
Yes, Nance for God’s glory and nothing else! It is so wonderful God has given His word to stand on in our time of need. Colossians 3:23 is a great life verse! I always need Him to remind me it is all about Him!
The goal is to hear “Well done” in the end. We just need to focus and remember that!
Yes, Tara! I long for those words! Keep our eyes on things above! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
The fear of man is a real issue. It’s great to remember that we’re working for God and not our boss or ourselves. Collisions 3:23 is a really good reminder.
Yes, Jonathan we are working for God and not man! I need to be reminded of that often! Praise God for His word!