Have you ever met a fool? You know that person who talks a big talk but after a little observation you can see their actions do not reflect the words that come out of their mouth. They say they are wise but that is all, it is just a profession, just words no action. I have been there. All of humanity has been there or are still there. Are you foolishly worshipping a “god?”
Paul explains in Romans 1:22, the Gentile ( the pagan, or the unbeliever) has said with his mouth that he is wise, but as we examine the rest of Romans 1, we will see that he is actually a fool. In the context of these verses Paul is referring to the fool or the foolish as a non-believer.
Now the question arises, “What is a fool?” The Scripture text will answer this question, but lets look at what Strong’s and Webster’s has to say.
What or More Importantly Who is a Fool?
The Strong’s dictionary defines a fool as foolish, a moron, or a stupid person. Websters defines a fool as a person with little or no judgement, no common sense, no wisdom, silly or stupid, a simpleton. Let’s read this Romans 1:20-23, and pull out the truths that show us how foolish this person is. Or in other words, how their profession and their actions do not match up.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures.”Romans 1:20-23
God has made Himself known, but instead of worshipping the One true God, an image is worshipped. How foolish! Let’s do a comparison. First, we will look at the Images the foolish worship, and how God describes them. Then we will look at what God says about Himself. You be the judge, which is foolish, which is wise?
The Image
First lets answer this question. What is an image? An image is a representation of something or someone. In this context, the foolish person is worshipping an image; a representation of God. Not the One True God.
Why would someone exchange the glory of God for an image? Why would someone worship a bird, a man, or a four footed animal? The scripture answers that by saying, “They knew God; they could look at the creation and understand that something bigger than themselves created all this. But instead of recognizing that and honoring God, they flipped it around and worshipped that which He had created!” How foolish is that? Are you foolishly worshipping a god?
What do the Scriptures teach about their image? Their IDOL?
The following Scripture references will teach us what God says about their image, or their idol.
- Romans 1:23
- Jeremiah 10:1-5
- Jeremiah 10:8-9
- Jeremiah 10:11
- Jeremiah 10:14-15
- They are corruptible, subject to decay; they will perish.
- They are made by human hands.
- They are made from wood and decorated with silver and gold.
- They have to be fastened together with a hammer and nails so that they do not fall over.
- They cannot speak.
- They cannot walk; they have to be carried.
God describes the idol-worshipper as being delusional. He says, “They are altogether stupid and foolish.” Not my words, these are the words of God from Jeremiah 10:8.
What do the Scriptures teach us about God?
The same verses we used above tell us who the One True God is compared to the image or idol that is foolishly worshipped.
- God is incorruptible. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
- The LORD is the true God.
- He is the living God and the everlasting King.
- He can speak.
- He can stand on His own.
- He is the Creator; not the Created.
- He was not formed, nor fashioned. He has always been.
- He does not need to be carried; He carries the whole world in His hands.
It is so hard not to keep going on and on about the Greatness of God!!
“It is He who made the earth by His power, who established the world by wisdom, and by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.” Jeremiah 10:12
From Foolish to Wise
When we worship anything other than God we are worshipping an idol. A false representation of Him. In the context of Romans 1, Paul is describing an unbeliever. Praise God there is Good News! God foreordains, predestines, calls, justifies, and glorifies.
“For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in the flesh but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:3-5
Are you foolishly worshipping a god? Do you know you are?
Why is it That Important to Memorize Scripture
Why I recommend the New Inductive Study Bible
I want to Know Youโฆ Studying the Attributes of God
Six Important Questions to Ask When You Study the Bible
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and the Bible does say that we’re not supposed to be putting anything above God… ๐
Yes,it sure does! Nothing. Thanking Him for His Grace today!!!
Good words today. We are currently going through a Romans series ourselves right now ๐ .
Thank you Deborah! Praying God blesses your study! It is such an amazing and life changing book! Thanks for stopping by:)
It’s horrible to put things above God and it’s crazy how easy it can be. Thank you for this wonderful reminder!
You are welcome Susannah! I need reminding all the time. It is horrible to put things above God but so easy, because we are still in this mortal body. Thanking God for His reminders and His grace!
Romans is a great study… one that you really can’t do just once. It’s a book that requires so much more than a simple read through!
Yes, Romans does require more than a single read through! It is packed with so much teaching! I have studied through it two times and could still study more. I love this book!
It’s scary how quickly something can become an idol in our lives if we’re not constantly focusing on putting God first.
Yes, Melanie it is scary! So many good things can be idols.Our children, husbands,our homes… The key is to focus on God first and always! Thanks for sharing today!
Such a great post Lisa! This is a great reminder at how all of us can sometimes put things above God in our lives. Even small things like our daily tasks, our family members, ourselves, our wants/needs can sometimes take the place of God if we aren’t careful. He is such a good God and deserves to worshiped as the creator! Thank you for the reminder today ๐
yes, Anna so many things can distract us from putting God first in our lives! He is a great God and most worthy of praise! Thank you for your kind words! I need reminded often as well. Prone to leave the One I love!
What great timing on this post! My husband and I lead a small group bible study, and the focus this session is from the book Gods at War. Completely in line with this post.
Thank you
God’s timing is so perfect! Thank you for sharing that with me.I have never heard of the book. Will have to check it out. Hope God does amazing things in your bible study group! Glad you stopped by Marissa:)
What a convicting and important post! Thanks for this reminder!
You are welcome Caroline! I need reminders often:) Thankful you stopped by today!
I really appreciate the detail and care you write these studies with, and idolatry is something that is a constant thing to address in today’s society. Thanks for sharing this with us at Grace & Truth!
Hi Holly1 Thank you for your kind words! Idolatry is around every corner and sometimes (if not most times disguised)! We need to be alert. I am grateful God lets us know in His word what idolatry is! Always a blessing to link up with Grace & Truth!