I can imagine the encouragement and the joy the believers of Rome must have felt as they read or heard the apostle Paul had mentioned them in his prayers. I know when I find out someone has prayed for me it increases my faith and builds me up. Are you encouraged when you know you’re being prayed for?
When Paul wrote this letter to the believers in Rome the gospel was under attack. People were twisting it to suit their own preferences. There were those who taught that salvation was by works not by faith. Still others were using the grace of God as a license to live any way they pleased. It would be easy to get discouraged or even question your own beliefs of the Gospel message. Does any of this sound familiar? We could almost lay these attacks of the Gospel on our own time line in history and they would fit perfectly. The writer of Ecclesiastes says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” If we have been around for a while we know that his words ring true.
That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Paul’s Prayer for the Saints of Rome
“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world. For God whom I serve in my spirit in the preaching of the gospel of His Son, is my witness as to how unceasingly I make mention of you, always in my prayers making requests, if perhaps now at last by the will of God I may succeed in coming to you.”
*First we see that Paul was thanking God through Jesus Christ for all the believers in Rome. Because of the finished work of Jesus Christ we have direct communication with God ourselves. Paul approached the throne of grace with confidence. You and I can do the same!
He was thanking God for their faith. What a faith they had, in the midst of attacks and persecution their faith was being proclaimed throughout the whole world. Oh, how I desire that I have that kind of faith! How I desire that the church, the bride of Christ, would have that kind of faith! Can you imagine the Glory that would be shown to God if we exercised this kind of faith in our day. And the encouragement believers every where would receive from each others faith.
I want to be an encourager through my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. No matter what is going on in the world in which I live. I have asked God to show me the faith of other believers of our day. He has been faithful in answering that prayer. What a joy and faith builder it has been!
*Second we see Paul praying, “if by the will of God,” he would be able to go and be with the believers in Rome. Think about this for a minute. Paul was praying for people he had never met. We are taught in 1 John 4:7-11, that one of the signs of a true believer, is love for the brethren. Paul is a great example of one who loved the brethren.
Our church family supports a missionary family from Bangladesh. I can understand the love Paul had for the believers of Rome because God has placed such a great love for this family in our hearts. The love and bond that God places in the hearts of believers is an amazing thing! It truly is hard to put into words.
Paul Longs to See The Believers in Rome!
For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the others faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11-12
*Third we see Paul pray that he may visit the saints in Rome so that each can be encouraged by the others faith. This passage reminds me of what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 ,and Ephesians 4 concerning spiritual gifts. These gifts are given for the equipping of the saints, for works of service and for the building up of the body of Christ.
Each one of us is to use our gifts in accordance to the grace that has been to us through the Holy Spirit.
I pray that each of us remember this as we prepare to come together each Sunday as the body of Christ! May our services erupt with praise and worship to God as we exercise our gifts in honor of Him!
*Fourth we see Paul prays for and desires to obtain fruit among the believers. This could mean that Paul prayed that he would have opportunity to witness to the un-saved. Through the preaching and teaching of the gospel he would lead them to Christ. It could also mean that through the preaching of this same gospel that the believers in Rome would grow in maturity in the faith. Are you encouraged when you know you’re being prayed for, like Paul prayed in Romans?
After reading this small passage of Scripture has it encouraged you to be a prayer warrior for your brothers and sisters in Christ?
If you are here and are interested in learning more about our Romans bible study follow this link: The Good news of Grace, Truth, and Redemption
Being a prayer warrior for brothers and sisters ~ yes! Your reminder is good. I have a few in mind right now that I will lift to our Father. More good teaching, Lisa. Thank you! (Posting again because it noted the comment didn’t go through the first time.)
I am so glad to hear God prompted you to pray for other brothers and sisters! That is wonderful! Thank you for your encouragement Kristin!
So lovely…I enjoyed walking through the passage with your encouragement and explanation. The Pauline letters are such beautiful examples of encouragement in the faith. Coming to you from #Bonbon’n’CoffeeLinkup! Blessings!
Yes, his letters are beautiful examples of encouragement in the faith! I praise God daily for His encouragement through His word! Bonnie, I am so glad you stopped by today. Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed day:)
Love this, Lisa. Will be sharing with my online prayer group today. xo 🙂
Thank you Lyli for sharing! Praying God uses it to bless and encourage!
Hi, Lisa! 🙂 I’m stopping by from Faith Filled Friday. Yes, I can definitely tell when others have been praying for us!! We are coming out of a very difficult season in ministry and taking on the new challenge of church planting, so I covet the prayers of others. Thanks for this reminder to always be in prayer for others, as well.
Jen @ Being Confident of This
Thank you for stopping by Jen! So glad you were lifted up in this season of your life. What an encouragement and a blessing. No greater love than friends and family praying. Glad to remind, I need reminding often. Have a blessed weekend!
Paul’s love and prayers for the believers is so beautiful to see. I want to pray for my church family with the same passion Paul had.
Being an encourager is so needed; what better way to lift others up than to pray for them?
Yes, Jerralea Paul’s prayer is beautiful! Being an encourager through prayer is so needed. God gives exactly what to pray. That is amazing to me! Thanks for stopping by:) God Bless!
I think this is such a good study on many levels, but what really encouraged me was how you asked God to help you stay encouraged when the world is going downhill so fast with how believers are doing good things. I think I will start to pray this way, too!
Jennifer I am so thankful God has encouraged you to pray this way! It sure makes a difference in your walk with Him. Thank you so much for your kind words!Have a blessed day:)
There were times when others were standing in the gap for our family while we were on deputation. Knowing those people were praying for us helped during discouraging moments and there were a lot of them for us. I pray I can stand in the gap and pray for another. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
Praise God for those who stand in the gap! What an encouragement to know you had so much support in prayer!I pray the same for myself Lori. Thank you for allowing me to link up with Thankful Thursday:) God Bless
Hi Lisa! I’m so thankful I came across this post, it’s such an encouragement! Thank you for linking this up with us at Grace & Truth!
Hi Holly! I am thankful you visited today and were encouraged! Thank you for your kind words. God Bless:)
i have no problem praying for other people – but when it comes to others praying for me, well….
I know! Why is that? I feel the same way sometimes:)
I recently heard about something called a War Room for praying. What an amazing concept. I have always believed that “the prayers of the righteous avail much”. In my personal experience, the most amazing prayer warriors have been older women, grandmothers with no children at home, and perhaps it is because they have more time?
Hi Marie! There is a movie out called “War Room” and the concept is amazing!I agree older women, grandmothers with no children at home, do tend to be great prayer warriors! I have also experienced those who have been through many struggles tend to be prayers warriors as well! Thanks for stopping by today!
It is encouraging to know when people are praying for me, and I agree that it’s so important to be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Yes, Melanie! Prayer is so important especially for our brothers and sisters! it encourages me also to know someone is praying for me!
Yes, it has been very helpful of late!
What would we do without our praying brothers and sisters! Thanks for stopping by and sharing today,Robert!
We need each other to survive. I always say each time someone comes to mind just pray for that person. When you are tempted to gossip, pray for that person instead
I love that you said every time you think of someone pray for them, and to pray instead of gossip. Two great points.Yes, we need each other for sure! Thanks for stopping by today:)
Thank you for the reminder, Lisa, of how important it is to be a prayer warrior. Sometimes we { I } get so wrapped up in our own little world that when we pray we sometimes are only focusing on us and the things we need prayer for and forgetting those around us. I think sometimes when we remember to pray for those around us God blesses us in our prayers for ourselves even more. Thank you for the reminder today 🙂
You are not the only one Anna to get caught up in your own little world and not pray for others!I believe a lot of us do. I know I need reminders often!! Yes, I to believe God blesses us when we pray for others. Thanks for sharing today and stopping by:)
Yes, I am encouraged when UI am being prayed for. It tells me I am suported, encouraged, and loved and that’s a great feeling! 🙂
It is a great feeling to know you are being prayed for!! It is such an encouragement! I love the name of your blog, “Three Kids and a Fish.” to cute! Thanks for stopping by and sharing today!
I find it an honor and a privilege to pray for others and am so thankful when others pray for me!
Me too Kristi! You are correct when you say it is an honor and a privilege.Such a blessing that God has entrusted us with! Have a great day. Glad you stopped by:)
It is so important to remember our sisters and brothers in our prayers. There is so much power there for us to tap into, and it has helped me to reevaluate my prayer focus from selfish to God-centered
There is a lot of power in prayer, Marissa! Prayer is one of the most important things we can do for a brother and a sister! I am thankful that God has refocused you to being more Him-cetered! Thank you for stopping by and sharing:)
Yes and Amen! There is SO much power in prayers which is why we are ALWAYS asking for it! Such a good reminder! Thankful that God hears and responds to every one of them!
Yes, Caroline, so much power in prayer!!! I am thankful too! Especially when you pray and pray for someone else and God allows you to see Him answer prayer! It is amazing! Thanks for sharing today:)
Prayer is something I’m really working on so this is a great challenge for me!!! <3
This is a really great challenge! I’m so encouraged when I hear people are praying for me or my family.
Thank you Jonathan! It is so encouraging to know others are praying for you or your family! They are actually going to the throne of grace for you! Amazing, and very humbling! Thanks for stopping by.Have a great weekend:)