Do you remember when you were younger and you were getting ready to go out with your family maybe to dinner at a friends house or to a play…and your parents would say to you, “now ___________ insert your name. I want you to be on your best behavior.” I have said that many times to my own children.
We expect our children to honor and respect those whom they come into contact with. It is no different with our Christian walk. When we go out into the world there is a specific behavior that we are called to. We are to be well-pleasing to God first and then to those whom we come into contact with.
Reading through Titus chapter 2 and the first 2 verses of chapter 3 we observe quite a few verses that call us to live a “well-pleasing” behavior before God and those we come into contact with in the world. Paul has already related to us the godly behavior that is to be ours in the church and in our homes. Now he is going to walk us out the front door of our churches and our homes and show us a great big world awaiting us.
This is where Christianity hits the road. How are we going to respond to our unsaved bosses, our unsaved government officials, and anyone else we may meet while we are out there? We cannot hold up in our homes or church buildings hoping that the world will just go away. The world is our mission field. Your mission field may be your workplace. Your mission field may be your neighborhood… it could even be your hair salon or the grocery store. Where ever it is we are called to go…
Matthew 29:19-20, ” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the earth.”
Ok, Lord, I Am Going:
So, how am I to act while I am in the world? We are Christ’s ambassadors. We are His representatives to the world. Praise God He has sent men and women out! If He had not where would you and I be?
Before we step out of our doors I think it would be good to remember who we were and what our actions were prior to conversion. I love God’s reminders! They keep me humble. I need reminded often.
Titus 3:3 says, ” We were once foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another.”
Look at this list!
- Foolish
- disobedient
- deceived
- enslaved to various lusts and pleasures
- hateful…
Ouch! And those words were referring to me.
“But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us..”
Those of us who Christ has saved, have been changed, we are no longer described as the adjectives above, nor are we guilty. Christ has redeemed us.
Now.. it is our responsibility and our privilege to go and show Jesus to a lost and dying world.
Paul’s first stop is in the workplace.
“Urge the bondslaves to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith.”
We know that he is speaking to Christian slaves and giving them instruction as to how to act towards their masters. We do not live in a time wHere we have slaves but we do have bosses that we work for. Scripture is applicable in all ages, so these verses apply to those who are out in the workplace.
In Everything Be Well-Pleasing
- Be subject to your own master:To be under the control of another.
- Do not be argumentative:Do not talk back, refusing or disobeying.
- Do not pilfer: Do not steal.
Do your job. By your words and your work prove to be someone who can be trusted. Be faithful in everything, show yourself loyal.
Our Next stop: Rulers and authorities. Paul Instructs Titus to remind them,
“Be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed,”
Those whom God has placed in authority.The president, Governors, Kings, the Court System, Police Officers. We are to place ourselves under their authority.
In Everything be Well-pleasing:
- Be obedient: be obedient to laws that have been placed over us
- Be ready for every good deed
These behaviors reflect our attitudes towards those God has put into authority.
Next Stop: All men: Not just our bosses, our governing authorities but all men. Paul tells Titus again remind them,
“To malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle. showing every consideration to all men.”
In Everything be well-pleasing
- Do not malign anyone: do not slander or speak harm of anyone
- Be placable:Do not quarrel, nor fight
- Show all consideration for all men.Be patient in the midst of difficult circumstances. Do not be overly impressed with your self-importance. Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought.
- Be gentle
Paul has given separate lists for each different place we find ourselves. But, they all apply in all circumstances. When the word says all men I believe it to means all men. In the workplace,those in governing authority and everyone else.
Why do we have to act this way towards men? Titus 2:10 gives us the answer.
” So that we will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.”
Look at the way other translations interpret this verse. Sometimes it is easier to understand something written a little bit differently. These translations to not twist or distort what Paul is saying.
so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (NIV)
Then they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive in every way (NLT)
so that in everything they may be an ornament to the doctrine of God our Savior (NRSV)
Then, in everything they do they will make the teaching of God our Savior attractive (ICB)
Then they will show the beauty of the teachings about God our Savior in everything they do (GWT)
in all things doing credit to the teaching of God our Saviour (BBE)
In this way they will make people want to believe in our Savior and God (TLB)
Are our actions leading a lost and dying world to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
What are some things you do to show Christ in your mission field?
I was reading in Proverbs 28 yesterday and found this: “God detests the prayer of a person who ignores the law.” Are we showing rebellion or respect? Such a good thing for us to think about as we live our lives in the world.
You are right Jennifer. We need to be ever mindful of our actions! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Amen to this, Lisa: “The world is our mission field.” So many of us think we must go far away to serve in some huge way. But as you said our jobs, grocery stores… are truly mission fields. Thank you for this important lesson today. My biggest mission field right now is my home, whether it’s serving my family or having friends over. This is where God is calling me to show His love to others.
You are welcome Candace!So many need us here in our homes and neighborhoods. Blessings to you as you serve on your mission field!Have a Blessed Day:)
Thank you for sharing your insights from the Book of Titus.
I was especially struck and convicted by the wording of the different versions of Titus 2:10. I never thought of it that way, but that is so very true!
The old adage is certainly true, “We may be the only Bible a person reads”!
You are welcome Karen!Thanking God that He uses His word to convict ,strenthen and encourage! Yes, we may be the only Bible a person reads! God Bless you! Have a wonderful day:)
Thanks for the reminder that we need to live a life that will make people want to come to Jesus. Stopping by from Beloved Brews.
You are welcome for the reminder! I need them so often. I praise God He is faithful to keep us on His path. God Bless. Have a great weekend! See you next week:)
It’s so lovely to “meet you” today through Thought-Provoking Thursday. I do love me some good Bible study, so I am excited about reading more from you in the weeks ahead. Yay!
Thank you Lyli! I am super excited to be apart of Thought-Provoking-Thurdays. Tius is almost finished. Look for Romans next. Cannot wait! God Bless You!
Thanks for sharing this encouraging post and bible lesson from this amazing book. I think this is my first time visiting your blog. I’m blessed! Thanks for sharing faith and encouragement in Words of Comfort Link Up. See you next Monday! Blessings
Tayrina from
You are welcome Tayrina! Thank you for being an encourager of the faith! See You Monday!! God Bless. Have a fabulous weekend:)
Hi Lisa. I love the different translations of Titus 2:10 because they really bring the full meaning and application alive. Thank you for reminding us that we are ambassadors for Christ wherever we go and whatever we do. It’s a daunting thought until we realise it rests not on our ability but on Holy Spirit’s equipping. Blessings from your neighbour at #TellHisStory 🙂
You are right Joy, it is a daunting thought until one day we realize its not by my power by by His power!Praise Him for the equipping! Blessings to you! Have a wonderful weekend:)
Lisa, thanks for sharing this encouraging post and study in Words of Comfort Link Up. Today your post is being featured! Congrats!!
Tayrina, I am very humbled to be featured toady! Thank you so much! All for the glory of God. Thank you for your heart of encouragement:)May God continue to bless you!
Wow, what a powerful post! Thank you so much for sharing with us and linking up with Grace & Truth.
God bless,
You are welcome! Thank you for the opportunity to post and for your encouragement! God Bless.