When we study any scripture, any book of the Bible, our main objective is to look at what the text teaches concerning the Trinity:”Father/God, The Son/Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit” We ask questions of the text such as: What does this verse tell me about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit? What are His characteristics, or His attributes?
You are going to be amazed at what’s packed into a few verses. We have already looked at Paul and His apostleship in Titus 1:1. Today let’s look at Titus 1:1-3 and uncover what they teach about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the Trinity
Before we start looking at each person of the Trinity, it is important to have an understanding that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are One, or as we call it “The Trinity” Three in One. Trinity is defined this way: God exists in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God. ( Definition from An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, Systematic Theology, By Wayne Grudem.)
Understanding the Attributes of God
As a follower, a believer in God, it is very important to know the attributes of each person of the Trinity. All three have a different work in the salvation and sanctification of an individual. But they work together as One. Confused? Yea, me too, but by faith, I believe what the Bible says even though I cannot completely understand it! That is what faith is.
Let’s look at Titus 1:1-3 and see what it teaches.
” Paul, a bond-servant of God and apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those chosen of God and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness, in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago, but at the proper time manifested, even His word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted according to the commandment of God our Savior.”
What We Learn About God
Titus 1:1 teaches the following.
- Paul was sent by God to encourage and equip those of the faith, “Christians”, and teach them the truths of the gospel.
- God is sovereign in sending, He had a purpose and a plan for the gospel to be sent: (1) for salvation, (2) for the equipping of the saints.
- Those who are of the faith are chosen by God.
- God sends the message.
- The Gospel is His truth, (not ours).
Titus 1:2 teaches the following.
- God promised eternal life, long ages ago.
- He does not lie. How encouraging is that!
- We have a sovereign God who does not lie and keeps His promises. I do not know about you but that encourages and strengthens my faith!!!!
Titus 1:3 teaches the following.
- God manifested His word at the proper time. God’s timing is always perfect.
- He entrusted Paul, the one who persecuted the church with the proclamation, of His word. He changed the heart of Paul and entrusted him with the greatest truth ever told.
- God is our Savior.
- It was by God’s command that Paul was sent with Gospel.
What We Learn About Jesus
Titus 1:1 teaches the following.
- Jesus is the Christ
- Jesus means: Yahweh is salvation
- Christ means The anointed One. The Messiah. The One who would save His people from their sins.
What We Learn About the Holy Spirit
If you are reading the Scripture along with this post you will see that the verses do not mention the Holy Spirit. That is ok. What we need to remember is, the Holy Spirit is our teacher and guide as we study this book. He is always present and living in us!
Thank you, God, for being sovereign and in control of everything. Thank you for sending Your One and Only Son to save your people from their sins!
Thank you, Jesus, for Your work on the cross.
Thank you, Holy Spirit for your guidance and teaching!
It is so encouraging! Once again, my faith is increased as I purposely and intently look at the Scriptures. The Scriptures build my knowledge of who God is, who Christ is, and who the Holy Spirit is.
I hope you have been encouraged and your faith has been increased by looking at the scriptures today!
Pray and ask God to teach you Who He is!
If you see any attributes that were not mentioned, please share with us. Let’s encourage each other as we walk together through this book.
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