The gospels find Peter sitting in a boat with his brother Andrew catching fish. One day Jesus comes by and says to Peter, “Follow Me.” Peter left everything he had and followed Christ. The world that Peter knew suddenly changed. Peter, the man known for putting his foot in his mouth and denying Christ three times would become one of 12 Apostles. I can see myself in Peter! I am eager, quick to speak and slow to listen and have a tendency to run ahead of myself. I look at everything around me and forget to keep my eyes Jesus. Can you relate to Peter at all? I need a reminder to walk in obedience to God

Peter Grows in Obedience
What growth we see in the Apostle Peter, from “he of little faith” to the rock upon which Christ would build His church! He prepared Peter for the work and service of building His church. The building of the Church would take place through many tribulations. Praise God! Peter would prepare and encourage others in their work and service as the church.
In 2 Peter 1:14 we find Peter faced with the fact that he is about to die. Jesus tells Peter in John 21:18-19, “when he grew old, he would stretch out his hands and someone else would gird him and take him where he did not want to go. The church historian Tertullian, Origen, and Eusebius state that Peter was stretched out by his hands, dressed in prison garb, and taken to a place no one wanted to go (a crucifixion). History teaches Peter would be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be crucified in the same way that his Lord Jesus Christ had been.
For This Very Reason
We are reminded in 2 Peter 1:1-11, that we are bond-slaves and followers of Christ Jesus. This passage tells us that God’s divine power has granted to us everything we need for life and godliness. For this reason, because of what God in Christ has done he urges us on to obedience. In 2 Peter 1:5-7, Peter gives us a list of qualities that should be ours and reminds us they should be increasing! I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 3:8,”Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” Now apply all diligence to your faith:
- Supply moral excellence,
- knowledge,
- self-control,
- perseverance,
- godliness,
- brotherly kindness,
- and love.
The Christian life should always be fruit bearing. Peters words are strong, work out your salvation, be diligent in your walk with the Lord. You and I have a part in the process. However, God has granted to us everything we need to grow. Now walk in obedience to His call. Peter is not teaching us to walk on our own far from it. He reminds us that we’re supplied with all that we need to walk. We’re given the indwelling Holy Spirit that guides and directs us. He has given us His written word to live by. By the way, the indwelling Holy Spirit will only guide and teach through the written word of God. Therefore, it is so important to be diligent students of His word.This leads us to Peters next reminder.
False Prophets Are Alive and Well
Peter teaches in chapter 2 that false prophets arose among the people and would arise among us. His words have not failed to be true. There are false prophets all around us. Do you see them? Do you know that what they are saying and teaching is false? How do we know if what they are teaching is false? What are their motives?
[bctt tweet=”False teachers are alive and well on planet earth!” username=”LisaMorris3703″]
These men and women are described as secretly introducing destructive heresies. In their greed, they will exploit you with false words. They deny the one who bought them, Jesus Christ. Swift destruction is upon them and those who follow their teachings. This passage scars me to death. Do you want to be deceived and taken down the wrong path? Not me! Sisters, let’s keep our eyes on Christ. Stay in the word of God and pray for strength. Not only for ourselves but also for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Their Destruction is Not Asleep
Warning! There is a day coming when God will judge all men! Scripture teaches that God is not slow to keep His promises! The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. The heavens and the earth will pass away with intense heat. The earth and its works will burn up.
“Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?” 2 Peter 3:11
The Lord is patient not wanting anyone to perish. He knows how to rescue the godly from temptation. God protects the elect, the true believer in Christ Jesus. God will persevere him until the end. Peters words serve as a warning! Are you sure of your salvation? Are you being diligent to seek the truth of God’s and not the words of man? Our walk with the Lord is serious business! This is not a game or something we need to take lightly. It is real and there are very real consequences for those who do not listen and obey the word of God!
Hasten The Day of The Lord
Sisters, look for and hasten the day of the Lord. We are to be about our Fathers business preaching the gospel to ourselves. And sharing the word of truth with those around us!
Be diligent to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless. 2 Peter 3:14
May we through the power of Christ, grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and Savior. To Him be glory, both now and to the day of eternity. 2 Peter 3:18
This message from Peter is so timely. It is so important for the believer to be in the word of God renewing their minds and learning the will of God. That is what we are doing at Conforming To The Truth. We read 17 New Testament books in 17 Weeks back in the summer. Although the online group for this study has closed, I would like to continue to offer my FREE 17 Week Reading Plan to you! All you have to do is subscribe!!!
I have read this book many times in the past, but studying it this past week has really opened my eyes to its’ truth! It has become one of favorite books of the Bible to read! I thank God for revealing these truths to me and I thank you for encouraging me to study what this book teaches about the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus.
Anne, I am so excited to hear that God is revealing more and more truth to you. I have learned so much as well reading this book afresh again! I am thankful that focusing on the Trinity has been a help to you! Love You! Sure Miss You:)